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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Red, Orange, and Yellow

Red foods such as watermelon, tomatoes, and red cabbage contain many phytochemicals that reduce free radical damage. The phytochemical called lycopene is said to especially be helpful in reducing the effect of skin damage, and also the prevention of prostate problems. Lycopene is also what gives the red foods their color.

Orange foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cantaloupe, etc. have carotenoids that have been said to help prevent cancer. These deep orange foods help get the right amount of vitamin A our bodies need. Carrots and other orange foods are also good for our eyes and sight.

Orange and yellow foods like tangerines, oranges, peaches, pineapple, nectarines, and others are are high in Vitamin C and antioxidants. They have also been said to help prevent heart disease.

So eat, not only your greens, but don't forget your reds, oranges, and yellows. :)

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

This season's fruits and veggies

It's best to eat fruits and vegetables when their in season. So here are some of this month's fruits and vegetables you may like to eat.

Sweet Oranges
And all sorts of berries

You can find those at any grocery store.

Hope you found this info helpful. That's all I have for tonight. Thanks for reading!

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Brussel Sprouts

Possibly one of the least favorite vegetables in the world today. They are like a miniture cabbage.

I personally don't mind brussel sprouts but I wouldn't eat them every day. I've read that the best way to eat them is by steaming or briefly boiling them so that they still are able to contain much of the nutrients.

What could we be depriving ourselves though if we don't eat brussel sprouts every once in a while. They are actually a good source of vitamin C, folate, and iron. They have also been said to help in the prevention of cancer, and have many phytochemicals that are good for you.

There are lots of different vegetables that most of us can't stand, but when you think about what you may be losing if you don't eat them. The taste we may hate, may not be so bad if we remember we're helping our body and could live longer.

So eat a variety of vegetables, and here's a tip: try holding your nose to make the taste more bearable ;). Hey, it works sometimes.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I have a question for you.

How many servings of fruits and vegetables did you get today? 5? 9? Or Less?

Make sure you keep track of how many you've eaten during the day. I usually feel a whole lot better when I've eaten plenty of fruits and veggies throughout the day. I can also tell if I haven't had enough because I feel less energized. That's just me though.

If you haven't had enough by the end of the day, instead of having a brownie or cookie for dessert. Have a bowl of fruit with low fat yogurt on top, or even a scoop of ice cream with some berries or fruit on top. Get creative!

Have a nice evening, and thanks for reading!

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Snack time

Here's another easy tip to help you get your 5 to 9 servings of fruits and veggies a day.

Eat them at snack!

It's easy to cut up fruits and vegetables ahead of time and place them in the fridge. So do that and pull them out whenever snack time hits for a quicker way to get them into your day.

Some veggies cut up with some ranch dip or dressing is good. An apple or banana with peanut butter or cheese is another choice. Test and try a few different ideas.

If your kids have a hard time eating them, try making some "sculptures" or "creatures" with various fruits and veggies. Or let them play with their food just as long as they eat it. ;)

There are tons of ways to get creative in getting in your 5 to 9 a day. It's not as hard as it seems. Give any idea a try. Just so long as you and your family are eating a healthy diet, what can it hurt?

Have a great day! And happy eating!

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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Fruits and Veggies - You need them!

Fruits and vegetables are one of the key components we are missing in most of our diets today. With the low carb diet as popular as it was, some people were missing out on these very important foods because they were "carbs"...while some of the low carb diets were good in adding in the vegetables, others weren't so good.

Fruits and vegetables are very important for your body because they give you much needed vitamins and minerals as well as fiber and energy. Yes, they are carbs, but most fruits and veggies are good carbs.

So don't deprive yourself of fruits and vegetables, your body needs them!

Thanks for reading, and come see us again soon!

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Saturday, May 5, 2007

Five to Nine

No, it's not your work schedule, it's the amount of fresh fruits and veggies your body should be consuming.

The body doesn't need these just for the ever so popular dietary phrase "variety" I like to think of fruits and vegetables as our life-foods. Foods that sustain our immune system, digestive system, and energy levels.

Fruits and veggies are almost all carbs. Some have a good deal of protein, but for the most part, your carbohydrates come from fruits and veggies. Fruits and veggies contain fructose (fruit sugar) calcium (great for muscle builders - found in green veggies) and your fiber (roughage - mmm).

These all play a tremendous roll in your health.

The carbs in fruit are very fast burning carbs. They help people get energy real quick, and a banana, or apple, is a great pre-workout snack because of them

Fiber is what keeps your bowels clean. If your innards aren't working correctly, you're not getting the proper nutrition that you need.

Sadly, I'm out of time for today, so you'll need to come back later to check up on more info. Subscribe to my feed to get updated when I post.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Tips for getting your fruits and veggies

Everyone knows you're supposed to have at least 5 fruits and veggies a day. But knowing and taking action are two different stories. Here are some tips to try to help you get the recommended amount.

1) Some people don't eat breakfast, but this is one of the most important meals of the day. It's especially good if you can get a few fruits in the meal. A smoothie works great! Just pop in some fruit in a blender along with some low-fat yogurt and some ice, blend it up to the consistency you like and you're ready to go.

2) For lunch try adding some fruits and vegetables to you and your family's sandwiches. To a peanut butter sandwich, you may like to add sliced apples, banana, or strawberries to it. On a sub or normal meat sandwich try putting on some lettuce, tomato or whatever else you and your family can handle eating. Put on as many veggies as you can.

3) At dinner, try having a big salad bar placed out. Or even a few small side salads to go along with the meal, and let everyone choose their toppings and dressings to suit their own unique tastes.

These are only 3 of the tips, I'll post more tomorrow so come back then! :)