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Saturday, May 5, 2007

Five to Nine

No, it's not your work schedule, it's the amount of fresh fruits and veggies your body should be consuming.

The body doesn't need these just for the ever so popular dietary phrase "variety" I like to think of fruits and vegetables as our life-foods. Foods that sustain our immune system, digestive system, and energy levels.

Fruits and veggies are almost all carbs. Some have a good deal of protein, but for the most part, your carbohydrates come from fruits and veggies. Fruits and veggies contain fructose (fruit sugar) calcium (great for muscle builders - found in green veggies) and your fiber (roughage - mmm).

These all play a tremendous roll in your health.

The carbs in fruit are very fast burning carbs. They help people get energy real quick, and a banana, or apple, is a great pre-workout snack because of them

Fiber is what keeps your bowels clean. If your innards aren't working correctly, you're not getting the proper nutrition that you need.

Sadly, I'm out of time for today, so you'll need to come back later to check up on more info. Subscribe to my feed to get updated when I post.

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